The Modern Rules of Credit Repair
Is your credit score weighing you down? Perhaps a low score is preventing you from taking out a much-needed car loan or even qualifying for a mortgage. Or maybe you’re simply worried about errors on your credit report bringing your score down. Regardless, it’s important to understand your rights and options when it comes to credit repair.
How Does Credit Repair Work?
Specifically, credit repair is a process that involves disputing inaccuracies and other negative marks on your credit report in order to boost your score and ensure your report is accurate. The credit repair process can be long and complex, as it involves filing formal disputes and writing letters—often to each of the major reporting bureaus (Equifax, Transunion, and Experian).
Fortunately, third-party credit repair companies can take the time, hassle, and frustration out of the process. By working with a credit repair company, you can rest assured that an experienced professional will pull your credit reports, scour them for inaccuracies/discrepancies, and file formal disputes with the credit bureaus. Meanwhile, you won’t have to lift a finger.
Credit repair companies can also assist with writing and sending cease-and-desist orders to debt collectors who may be hassling you. Even in instances where negative marks on your report (such as charge-offs or tax liens) are accurate, a credit repair professional can sometimes work with creditors to negotiate and create a plan that works for all parties involved.
Once all disputes and errors are corrected on your credit report, you can see an immediate improvement in your credit score. Generally, each credit bureau has 30 days from the day a formal dispute was received to respond. This means that you could have a better credit score in as little as a month. And, of course, with a better credit score comes a greater ability to get approved for loans and other financing terms.
Is Credit Repair Right For You?
If your credit score is less than ideal—especially to the point that it affects your day-to-day finances—then it may be worth looking into credit repair services. Working with a third-party credit repair company will allow you to sit back, relax, and allow the professionals to work on your behalf. This frees up more of your valuable free time while ensuring that any issues with your credit report are handled properly and promptly.
Meanwhile, the credit repair process is more expeditious than ever, so you can see results quickly. This is because many reporting bureaus now offer online services to speed up the process. While some forms and paperwork must still be handled by mail, the credit repair process is much faster than it was before the era of the Internet.
How Key Credit Repair Can Help
At Key Credit Repair, we’re committed to helping you fix your credit. We’ll work to clean up inaccuracies, file disputes, and make sure your credit report is correct. Meanwhile, our online portal makes it easy and convenient for you to monitor our work. Ready to get started? Reach out to our team for a Sign Up for $0 Today!